Dear Residents & Family Members,

We want you to know that we continue to do our part to combat the unprecedented challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic. We know how stressful and unsettling the Shelter In Place has been for everyone that has a loved one in any of our Quail Park Communities. The loss of family contact, the restrictions regarding isolation and the management of fear has been the hardest part of this situation. Two groups are to be commended during this time. Our ‘Hero’ residents who have soldiered through these uncharted waters with the grace and patience that their generation is known for. And our ‘Hero’ employees who have worked tirelessly to keep residents safe, entertained, fed and other wise provide the support our residents need. During times of crisis, is when you find out who the real Heroes are. We have so many.

Out of an abundance of caution, and in order to ensure the health and safety of our Residents, team members and other constituents; we are closely monitoring all of the “Re-Opening” and “Safe Start” developments in the four states we operate in, Arizona, California, Texas and Washington. As we continue to follow the guidelines from the CDC simultaneously, we are consistently monitoring each State’s department of Health & Human services guidelines very closely following each Governor’s plan to re-open. Plans are in place and we are implementing these plans to be conducive with State guidelines and Department of Health Guidelines. We have been very fortunate that we have not had any substantive exposure to Covid-19, and therefore feel our infection control programs (which will continue well beyond re-opening) will continue to keep residents and employees safe as life returns to a more normal cadence.

As each state is encouraged to work off of a phased approach, the guidelines continue to call out that older adults aged 65 and older are at risk. Consistent with this awareness, we are anxious for you to resume in person visits with your loved ones. I cannot thank you enough for patiently working with our Executive Directors, Wellness Team and others in the communities in the coming days and months ahead as we navigate through this process. Ensuring your loved ones stay happy and healthy with creative, safe practices is our first priority. The next most important priority is to reconnect our residents and their families.

At our Quail Park Communities the management Teams, are working tirelessly to ensure your loved ones are enjoying those amenities that we can provide at this time. In addition to the best practices each building already exhibits day in and day out to combat the Covid-19 risk, our Teams continue to monitor and document temperatures, employees and Residents movements and contacts, sanitation routines, and we are now in the process of modifying resident activities, while using social distancing practices in dining, social gathering, tray service and other daily routines.

While we may have a way to go before life normalizes or appears to be more normal, the positive outcomes we have achieved during the last 90 days says all that needs to be said. Residents remain safe and protected. Now let’s get back to normal activity as soon as possible.

Warm Regards,

Denis Bryant President & CEO of Living Care Lifestyles